Friday, April 6, 2012

The Modern Day Renaissance Woman

When I Googled "Renaissance Woman", it returned the word "polymath", which Wikipedia defines as,
"a person whose expertise spans a significant number of different subject areas. In less formal terms, a polymath (or polymathic person) may simply be someone who is very knowledgeable. Most ancient scientists were polymaths by today's standards."

When I read further, I came across the "modern day" definition, in which I was most familiar with,
"When someone is called a Renaissance man or woman today, it is meant that they do not have only broad interests or a superficial knowledge of several fields, but rather that their knowledge is profound and often that they also have proficiency or accomplishments in at least some of these fields and in some cases even at a level comparable to the proficiency or the accomplishments of an expert"

I've been described by others as a renaissance woman, so this definition seemed fitting. I get my hands into everything! Whenever I see a challenge, I take it. Anything from gardening to painting the walls in my house to baking to fashion…my projects and interests are endless. I’ve never had any concerns with focus, however everything in my life points to my inability to stay committed to just one project or interest. Variety is the spice of life. Even my meals need to have variety. I describe it as my taste buds going 'crazy'! My career is also a testament to this characteristic. I haven't stayed in one role for more than 2 years. I start to get curious about what’s next and I want to challenge myself further.

Through my blog, I will be giving you a glimpse of some of the projects I've dabbled in, things I want to dabble in, and even things that might be out of my league, but you never know unless you try! Since my mind is always hopping from one idea to the next, I thought, what better way to keep track of it all and share it with everyone than through the art of technology?!?

Happy Hobbying,

The Self Proclaimed, Modern Day Renaissance Woman

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